Saturday, October 5, 2019

Can These Books Save The Planet? The Rise of ''Climate Fiction'' aka ''Cli-Fi'' -- a 12-minute PBS educational VIDEO

Can Climate Change-Themed Novels Save The Planet? The Rise of ''Climate Fiction'' aka Cli-Fi

PBS has the answer here!

a 12-minute PBS educational VIDEO

Fun! Entertaining! Educational!
Perfect for college classrooms!

Perfect for high school classrooms, too!


Climate Fiction aka Cli-Fi with the hashtag #CliFi comes in all sorts of forms, there’s your Mad Maxes, your Games of Thrones, your Parables of the Sowers, and your WALL-Es. But are all these Cli-Fi books, movies, and TV shows just capitalizing on a hot topic, or do they actually change people’s perceptions of climate change?

The Cli-Fi term was coined by literary journalist and climate activist Dan Bloom in 2011 for a cli-fi novel he was promoting as a PR consultant to author Jim Laughter who wrote the ''cli-fi thriller'' ''POLAR CITY RED'' on Bloom's commissioning request in 2011, book published in 2012. see or Jim's website.

Miriam Nielsen, host, and Lindsay Ellis, of It’s Lit, help us find out.
Host: Miriam Nielsen
Guest: Lindsay Ellis
Editor-in-chief: Joe Hanson
Creative Director: David Schulte
Executive Producer: Amanda Fox
Producer: Stephanie Noone
Editor/Animator: Sara Roma
Camera: Miriam Nielsen

Produced by PBS Digital Studios
Theme Music: Eric Friend/Optical Audio
Music: APM

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