The entire Greta cover photo shoot in Stockholm by Dutch photographer Helen Van Meene (@hellenvanmeene) was financed and paid for by multinational capitalist fashion VIP watch maker ROLEX WATCHES, massively expensive time pieces/watches for wealthy people with money to spend on extravagant vanity watches to show off how wealthy they are, and ROLEX customers and ROLEX CEO are the same people who have messed with the planet promoting pollution and consumerism and climate change and poor Greta was NOT AWARE of this contract with ROLEX. TIME editors themselves admit ROLEX sponsored the photo shoot and Greta's inside text story. A ''soft advertisement for ROLEX. If Greta knew this, she never would have gone for this cover shoot sponsored by the one's world's worst VIP capitalist fashion companies making extravagant watches for wealthy people to show off how cool they think they are.
More Twitter chatter:
"Dear Time, editors, Greta is great. But why did you choose to lower the public's empathy for her through this kind of dress?'' asked "@pietrafocaia
"Is the dress sewn from sushi separators?" tweeted @NaikeLeNormand
@SKRIBENT tweeted: "Okay I will put on the green dress if I can keep my blue sneakers on, I imagine Greta was thinking."
page_what [tweeted] "Bottom layer on that dress has to go!"
"Is she gifted that beautiful dress? Why is she sitting on the ground" another tweet read.
"They can dress you up as a doll, Greta, but you still give us the 'gimlet eye', that accusing look. Yes! Guilty! Must do more!" said another tweet.
Editors in the UK who were responsible for this cover fiasco and won't face up to it:
Dan Stewart in UK
Naina Bajekal in UK
UPDATE: asking TIME to capitalize ''Earth''
Climate activist in USA tells me to shut up! ''Dear Dan, as a friend and ally of yours, can I ask you to please shut the fuck up and stop tweeting harshly at Greta Thunberg? She's a kid and the mistakes that you and some others are pointing out are so minor in comparison to the good she's doing. We're in this together and we need your voice as well as hers. These minor squabbles detract from the crisis at hand.''

Dutch photographer Hellen van Meene: note: some say Greta looks like old photos of a young Queen Elizabeth here

Hellen van Meene helping Greta
to relax using ''New Age relaxation
techniques'' during the TIME
photo shoot in Sweden. Gretta might
a minute, I don't like this cockamamie green
sushi rollers dress at all, I don't like it one bit -- picked out by
my well-paid commissioned photographer --
and I'd rather be anywhere else then here right now
and certainly not holding hands with some
New Age hippie tryng her best to hypnotize me
into accepting this stupid dumb dress, but
hey, what can I do?"
While the magazine article was well-reported and interesting, the photo on the cover and how it came to be ''styled'' and photographed by a Dutch stylist and photographer on paid assignment for TIME, Hellen Van Meene @Hellenvanmeene has divided readers around the world.
Some like the photo, others don't like it. Some love it, others feel it styling was misguided and unflattering to Greta.
On Twitter, some said:
"Great news article
about Greta, but who chose
that green dress,
paired with her sneakers"?
AND another person tweeted: re CAN WE TALK?
''I know @GretaThunberg has become a bit of an icon for other reasons. I think she is bloody wonderful. the cover of time magazine is a big deal. But can we talk about this dress? With the sneakers''.

Robert Johnston @Robert_Johnston 9 hours ago
''I would encourage Greta to refuse to let the corporate media manipulate her image. Including TIME magazine. Greta is Greta and US corporate media insanity has no control.''
CHERYL wrote at news story about Greta and TIME cover:
CHERYL wrote at news story about Greta and TIME cover:
''She looks like a very unhappy child who has been robbed of her innocence.''
BUT another person tweeted:
"I don't think the green dress is unflattering, i love the random-ness of the dress and she isn't exactly known for being a cutesy smiling person so I like the juxtaposition of the serious face with the interesting frock.''
And a fellow climate activist, fro the USA, a friend of this blog, wrote via twitter: "Hi, as a friend and ally of yours, can I ask you to please stop tweeting harshly at Greta? She's a kid and the mistakes you and some others are pointing out are so minor in comparison to the good she's doing. We're in this together and we need your voice as well as hers. These minor squabbles detract from the crisis at hand."
And another American climate activist, this one a sci-fi novelist, wrote via twitter: ''Sir, I kinda think you being hard on Greta, she is just a kid after all, and she is doing better than most of us to make change. I mean, your post has made *me uncomfortable. I was a idiot when I was 16.''
And said another friend in Australia via Facebook: "Maybe the photo was meant to be subversive?"
BUT another person tweeted:
"I don't think the green dress is unflattering, i love the random-ness of the dress and she isn't exactly known for being a cutesy smiling person so I like the juxtaposition of the serious face with the interesting frock.''
And a fellow climate activist, fro the USA, a friend of this blog, wrote via twitter: "Hi, as a friend and ally of yours, can I ask you to please stop tweeting harshly at Greta? She's a kid and the mistakes you and some others are pointing out are so minor in comparison to the good she's doing. We're in this together and we need your voice as well as hers. These minor squabbles detract from the crisis at hand."
And another American climate activist, this one a sci-fi novelist, wrote via twitter: ''Sir, I kinda think you being hard on Greta, she is just a kid after all, and she is doing better than most of us to make change. I mean, your post has made *me uncomfortable. I was a idiot when I was 16.''
And said another friend in Australia via Facebook: "Maybe the photo was meant to be subversive?"
TIME reporter Suyin Haynes explained how the photo came to be this way here:
Greta is featured on the May 27 cover of the May 27 issue Time magazine ''in recognition of the global impact she has had in holding strikes for climate action outside Sweden’s parliament since August.''
“Now I Am Speaking to the Whole World,” she tweeted after seeing the cover, referencing a quote from the article by TIME reporter Suyin Haynes @suyinsays
Greta's tweet @GretaThunberg included a photo of the magazine’s cover, and she said to her followers "I'm on the cover of TIME this week!" She wasn't bragging, she was just stating a fact.
The 16-year-old has had quite a year or two, beginning in August 2018.
“Before, I never really spoke when I was in my lessons or with my classmates,” Thunberg told Haynes. “But now I am speaking to the whole world.”
When Dutch photographer Hellen van Meene was commissioned by TIME to create a portrait of Greta for the cover of the magazine's May 27 issue, she said knew that she wanted to portray the teenager in a different light to how the world has seen her before. “When someone asks me to make a portrait, I always think about the subject and my opinion of them. Thinking about Greta, I wanted this photo to be different, because her story is bigger than life,” van Meene told TIME.
Van Meene’s weird, controversial and unflattering photograph of Greta was taken near the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm in April.
In the cover photograph, Greta wears a weird and very un-Greta-style green dress that the Dutch photographer found in a shop in Copenhagen on her way to Stockholm. The dress is a departure from what the teenager usually wears, favoring more practical clothing like hoodies, jeans and tracksuits.
But for van Meene, the color has a deeper meaning, especially against the backdrop of a concrete archway in Stockholm’s Old Town of Gamla Stan. “The green for me symbolizes life,” she said. “And the darkness of the corridor is what we will end up in if we don’t pay attention to what Greta is telling us.”
The Dutch photographer’s teenage daughter also accompanied her to Stockholm, and van Meene says the 16-year-old has been inspired by Thunberg to strike from school in the Netherlands. “We shouldn’t see Greta as a young cute thing, she’s a serious girl with a serious message,” van Meene says. “Don’t get fooled by her age, listen to what she wants to warn us about. She and her generation will have to pay the price, and that’s why we should act.”
Since the mid-1990s, van Meene has been best known for her square photographic portraits of teenage girls, with her work exhibiting internationally. She favors working outdoors in natural light and with a film camera, giving her work a timeless, painterly-like quality. “I like that you can’t really tell exactly when any of my work has been created, and that was really important in this portrait of Greta,” she says. “By making a photo not about her age, but about the personality she will grow into, it means that in 10, even 20 years’ time, this image will be important. It’s not so much a reference to her age, but a reference to her story.”
But for van Meene, the color has a deeper meaning, especially against the backdrop of a concrete archway in Stockholm’s Old Town of Gamla Stan. “The green for me symbolizes life,” she said. “And the darkness of the corridor is what we will end up in if we don’t pay attention to what Greta is telling us.”
The Dutch photographer’s teenage daughter also accompanied her to Stockholm, and van Meene says the 16-year-old has been inspired by Thunberg to strike from school in the Netherlands. “We shouldn’t see Greta as a young cute thing, she’s a serious girl with a serious message,” van Meene says. “Don’t get fooled by her age, listen to what she wants to warn us about. She and her generation will have to pay the price, and that’s why we should act.”
Since the mid-1990s, van Meene has been best known for her square photographic portraits of teenage girls, with her work exhibiting internationally. She favors working outdoors in natural light and with a film camera, giving her work a timeless, painterly-like quality. “I like that you can’t really tell exactly when any of my work has been created, and that was really important in this portrait of Greta,” she says. “By making a photo not about her age, but about the personality she will grow into, it means that in 10, even 20 years’ time, this image will be important. It’s not so much a reference to her age, but a reference to her story.”
Sandor Ragaly @sandorragaly
RE: Greta Thunberg on the Cover of Time Magazine
''The danger lies not with Greta Thunberg (she did good, though there is a hype problem I feel).
The danger lies with a later "Greta Thunberg"-like person inspiring millions, but for dubious matters.''
TWEET INCOMING: #GretaThunberg's fugugly "green shiny bamboo-like dress" that graces TIME mag May 27 issue, a big mistake to choose that photographer and to put that unflattering zombie photo on cover worldwide. Tasteless. An affront to brave little Greta. She was used, to sell magazines! Sigh.''
TWYG mag tweeted: ''Love this cover. #youth #activism #hope @GretaThunberg wears a green dress that photographer #HellenvanMeene found in Copenhagen on her way to Stockholm. Hellen told @TIME “The green for me symbolizes life”. ''
James Freedman tweeted: ''Many congratulations to Hellen van Meene for her Time magazine cover image, a portrait of Greta Thunberg. Stunning work Hellen!
In July we will have a solo exhibition of Hellen van Meene's photography @jamesfreemangallery
In London. Contact us for more … ''
SNSMT: ''We thank our friends
TWEETED: Yes, totally weird and unflattering dress and photo choice by Dutch photog hired by TIME for this gig. I support Greta. But this photo shoot and cover pic totally wrong-headed. Who decides these things? Poor Greta looks unhappy here.''
dave @davelostdave
''The year is 2050. We have failed to act on climate change. The world is in chaos. Our last hope is to send @GretaThunberg back in time...''
MicheleMaBelle @isasmartcookie
''What a powerful and beautiful photo, just like you!
Momentum is building. Now is the time to harness and expand that energy. We are with you, Greta.'' 
@HoWink tweeted in German:
#PR-Marionette ... RT @kn_online: Der jungen Umweltaktivistin #GretaThunberg wird eine besondere Ehre zuteil. Sie ist auf dem Cover des „Time“-Magazins geschafft. …
Greta Thunberg beskrivs som en ledare för en ny generation i nya ========== MORE TWEETS ON TWITTER
Chris West @littlerobbergrl Seriously? I am *pointing out* that she *is* being objectified.
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersDress is now *off the shoulder*
It's ok boys, she's just a nubile little girly. No need to listen to her! 2 replies 0 retweets 1 like Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @cathyloftus @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersSeriously? I am *pointing out* that she *is* being objectified. 0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Truthseeker 🏁 liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Erica Eller @EricaEller I agree—her image with braids and her calm unsmiling look is already iconic without the fussy dress. 3 other likes
Truthseeker 🏁
Truthseeker 🏁 liked your reply ·
4h4 hours ago
#CapitalizeEarth as "Earth" in TIME mag, not earth @do_you_cli_fi_ What went wrong with TIME magazine's surreal, unflattering and controversial cover photo shoot of Greta Thunberg? ....Everything! -- … SEE THIS MESSAGE TO TIME EDITORS: Please #CapitalizeEarth if you really respect Greta!
Truthseeker 🏁 @Women_Exist · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 7 othersA fine point. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Reply
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RadFemininityXX liked a reply to you ·
4h4 hours ago
Erica Eller @EricaEller I agree—her image with braids and her calm unsmiling look is already iconic without the fussy dress.
Dr Fox up a Thorntree liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Chris West @littlerobbergrl Here is the worse image with lose hair. Great article btw which makes this 'barbie-fication' even more troubling. … 😠
5 other likes
Dr Fox up a Thorntree
Dr Fox up a Thorntree Retweeted this reply ·
4h4 hours ago
Chris West @littlerobbergrl Chaps, really, 'something not right'? Look at any other picture of Greta. Here, is there one single dress? Those of us girls who notice sexism early, and rise against it, tend not to like being forced into wearing this symbol of our oppression 😒 … Rival Platinum
Chris West
Rival Platinum and Chris West liked this reply ·
4h4 hours ago
Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia I'm not interested in the artistic quality of the picture. I look at the message it brings to the people. And I see a drawing about a girl who tries to be a princess without succeding. But she isn't the center of the climate crisis. She asks questions, beyond her character.
Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @pietrafocaia @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 othersExactly. It's a way of trying to make her 'safe'. It won't work. ===================
Bianca Nardon liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Chris West @littlerobbergrl Here is the worse image with lose hair. Great article btw which makes this 'barbie-fication' even more troubling. … 😒 3 other likes Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @aviaum @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 othersI'm not interested in the artistic quality of the picture. I look at the message it brings to the people. And I see a drawing about a girl who tries to be a princess without succeding. But she isn't the center of the climate crisis. She asks questions, beyond her character. 1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersHere is the worse image with lose hair. Great article btw which makes this 'barbie-fication' even more troubling. 4 replies 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @pietrafocaia @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersIt's a pretty material. If it was on David Bowie, I would like it 😂 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Reply
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Chris West
Chris West liked this reply ·
4h4 hours ago
Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia I don't see anything "nice". I see only something that's not @GretaThunberg
Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 othersI don't see anything "nice". I see only something that's not @GretaThunberg 1 reply 0 retweets 3 likes Reply
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Bianca Nardon liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Chris West @littlerobbergrl Chaps, really, 'something not right'? Look at any other picture of Greta. Here, is there one single dress? Those of us girls who notice sexism early, and rise against it, tend not to like being forced into wearing this symbol of our oppression 😒 …
2 other likes Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersAnd the hair. Loose hair? Another potent feminine symbol. Have you any idea how impractical, how constricting, hampering these things are? It's no coincidence. At least she refused the 'visit to the footbinder' that is women's shoes 😠 1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 5h5 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersThe photographer brought the dress with her. She is wearing one just the same, it is her taste, not Greta's. There was some bargaining going on, or why the trainers? And why would she need 'relaxation' technique? She's never been nervous before! All red flags. 1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 5h5 hours ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 othersWe get conflicted about it, because it's nice to look attractive, but it's like wearing a golden collar - it's lovely, but still a symbol of your slavery 2 replies 0 retweets 2 likes Reply
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 5h5 hours ago
Replying to @aviaum @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 othersChaps, really, 'something not right'? Look at any other picture of Greta. Here, is there one single dress? Those of us girls who notice sexism early, and rise against it, tend not to like being forced into wearing this symbol of our oppression 😒 …

@HoWink tweeted in German:
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 others
It's ok boys, she's just a nubile little girly. No need to listen to her!
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4h4 hours ago
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Truthseeker 🏁 @Women_Exist · 4h4 hours ago
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Chris West
Rival Platinum and Chris West liked this reply ·
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 4h4 hours ago
Replying to @pietrafocaia @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 others
Bianca Nardon liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Replying to @aviaum @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 others
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Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia · 4h4 hours ago
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4h4 hours ago
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Replying to @aviaum @do_you_cli_fi_ and 5 others

Time is not a newsmagazine, but an advertising vehicle for its monies owners.
Monies owners, should be "monied owners"
See tweets from @sabrinaphics too.
Replying to @pietrafocaia @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 others
It's a pretty material. If it was on David Bowie, I would like it ��
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Chris West
Chris West liked this reply ·
4h4 hours ago
Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia
I don't see anything "nice". I see only something that's not @GretaThunberg
Bianca Nardon @pietrafocaia · 4h4 hours ago
Anne-Marie Blackburn
Anne-Marie Blackburn liked this reply ·
54m54 minutes ago
Chris West @littlerobbergrl
Seriously? I am *pointing out* that she *is* being objectified.
Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @littlerobbergrl @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 others
Dress is now *off the shoulder*
It's ok boys, she's just a nubile little girly. No need to listen to her!
2 replies 0 retweets 1 like
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Chris West @littlerobbergrl · 1h1 hour ago
Replying to @cathyloftus @do_you_cli_fi_ and 6 others
Seriously? I am *pointing out* that she *is* being objectified.
0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes
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Truthseeker �� liked Tweets you were included in ·
4h4 hours ago
Erica Eller @EricaEller
I agree—her image with braids and her calm unsmiling look is already iconic without the fussy dress.
3 other likes
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