Sunday, April 7, 2019

Taiwanese young people featured in UK Guardian newspaper about global protests about climate change

Kaisanan Ahuan
Photograph: Kaisanan Ahuan
Kaisanan Ahuan, Puli City, Taiwan: Our traditional culture is deeply rooted in harmony with the spirit of nature
I am from the Central Taiwan Plains Indigenous People. As the indigenous people of Taiwan, we have a particular vulnerability to climate change. Our traditional culture is deeply rooted in the harmony we have with the spirit of nature. We face heartbreaking loss due to increasingly extreme weather events. We urge the Taiwanese government to implement mitigation measures and face up to the vulnerability of indigenous people, halt construction projects in the indigenous traditional realm, and recognise the legal status of Plains Indigenous People, in order to implement environmental protection as a bottom-up approach.



Hsiang-Wen Yueh, Taiwan: If a student with a disability can start a climate movement in Europe, so can we in Taiwan

Hsiang-Wen Yueh
Hsiang-Wen Yueh and students from the National Taichung Special Education school
I am from the National Taichung Special Education school and I thought that if a student with a disability can start a climate movement in Europe, so can we in Taiwan. We are sitting outside the campus front door today to echo the global school climate strike movement. With the support of the teachers, we want to inspire others in Taiwan as we call for action from adults.
This can range over a wide spectrum of areas such as energy, food, biodiversity, plastics and more. TFrom just one person, we are seeing the number of participants rising all the time.

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