Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Segmented Earth: The end (or transformation) of Capitalism and the Decline of the Anthropocene

The Segmented Earth: The end (or transformation) of
Capitalism and the Decline of the Anthropocene

by Fernando Gularte in Uruguay,
a friend of this blog



In this paper I will try to relate central concepts that are part of
the life of Man This, with the intention of provoking some instances of
reflection that allows us to discuss some possible answers to issues that
they will emerge in the development of the following lines.

Nature and Man

We know that long before the appearance of Man on the face of the Earth, and
there was life. We are, at least to this day, the final product of a
succession of species on an evolutionary scale.
Up to a certain moment in our History; together with different species of
animals, we were biological agents that interacted with Nature,
located at the top of a pyramid formed by these species, due to the
high degree of development of our brain.
We create civilizations in Mesopotamia, in China, in Greece, in Egypt, in
Rome. We create culture and knowledge. In this evolution, we achieved stadiums
of development and intelligence increasingly higher. So we went away
more and more of other species, in addition to our hominid ancestors.
Meanwhile, the Holocene era passed.

We could think, in summary, that we were somehow created by
determined natural interactions, as were the other species, and
that therefore, as biological agents, we would be subject or conditioned
by Nature and its evolutionary codes.

The XIX, XX and XXI Centuries: The emergence and dominance of

In our eagerness to improve ourselves every day, achieve better
levels of comfort, greater power and mastery, we were taking more control
about the natural world, about its resources, its sources of energy. We achieve
dominate, sky, sea and earth, through our material creations. The
paper currency as an exchange between different goods and services, together with
different degrees of importance and value that were defined by what
we would know later as Mercado. With this last concept, most
of the sometimes little visible, of a certain abstract nature, the world of

Maybe Capital is seen by certain sectors of our society as a
modern weapon, an instrument of power, that allows us to take refuge in small
clans (elites) and defend ourselves from others (large human masses,
animals, nature), as our ancestors did when
they discovered that with a club or the thighbone of a large animal, they could kill
other animals to feed themselves, or even defend themselves from intruders alien to their
communities that seek to appropriate their food, women or caves.

In this case:
Would not it be the Capital? beyond being an intellectual creation, a
more natural element, willing to serve Man?

The human brain evolved over thousands of years; the DNA, the
cells and therefore the neurons of Homo Sapiens, surely have a
different from the one that the Neardental Man possessed.
Why was there a moment in history when Man was able to use a
stick to your benefit, and not before? We could ask this same question
do, with fire; There was a before and an after.
What I try to support, is that Capitalism can be seen as a
element inherent to human nature, to its Biology, one more element of
survival, and also fighting against fear.

Capitalism and Anthropocene

It is difficult to think of the appearance of the Anthropocene, without thinking of Capitalism.
Would the existence of the former be possible without the latter? That is, the
disappearance of Capitalism would imply the extinction of the Anthropocene?
If Capitalism is an inherent factor of Man, would it now be impossible to
existence of Man without the Anthropocene, as it was in his first

The breaking point or perhaps the breaking points, in which the Man
he was abandoning his biological agent status to become an agent
geological and therefore the creator of the Anthropocene era, occurred in full
expansion of Capitalism, and hence the previous questions.

We could think of the existence of "natural refinement cycles of the
Capitalism "in the future, and that at some given moment, we can abandon
naturally that cycle, and continue in the following evolutionary ages without
disappear as a species. This point, I will develop later, with a
little more detail.

Anthropocene and the possibility of a nuclear disaster

It is not unreasonable to think that as a species we could disappear,
Think of a nuclear catastrophe of great magnitude. I think that among all the
existing threats, the one related to nuclear technology, if it is not
the most important, would be among the first, among the most likely.
Let's think and analyze

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