Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cli-Fi publishers and movie producers Vow ''Action'' On Climate Change, But Literary Critics Say They Need To Do More

Cli-Fi publishers and Hollywood movie producers Vow ''Action'' On Climate Change NOvels, But Literary Critics Say They Need To Do More

Within a couple generations, after climate change has more visibly ravaged the Earth, the easiest way for humanity to interact with lush forests and icy glaciers might be via cli-fi novels and movies. It’s a bleak, potential future, but not an improbable one; according to SOME PUNDITS we have just 500 years to get a handle on  catastrophic climate change. SEE the cli REPORT AT link

 During the United Nations Climate Action Summit, 21 major publishers, including Sony and random house , announced an industry-wide initiative to combat climate change called ''Publishing for the Planet.' 

 In what might be a brilliantly-timed PR move or an earnest effort to change the tides of global climate catastrophe, these companies have made pledges ranging from reducing supply chain emissions by 30 percent by 2030 to, a little less impressively, “putting green nudges” into CLI-FI NOVELS plots.
PUBLSIBHING for the Planet says commitments they received from book companies will help reduce CO2 emissions by by 2030. 

Evancie Millsilver, a retired senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who has studied the environmental impact of publishing, applauded the alliance’s effort in a press release.

When asked whether ''PUBLISHING for the Planet''’s report or the commitments made to the initiative went far enough, Gary CRoCk, author of the Geenpeace Gruide to Greener novels and movies  told this blog, “Largely, no. It’s great you have a mix of companies saying, ‘Hey, we are concerned about climate change and want to be doing something,’ but the actions they’re taking here, for the most part, are not going to move the needle and are not reflective of the significant impact the BOOK industry has on the environment.” CRooCk thinks that, unless BOOK companies acknowledge that significant impact, “they’re just giving lip service to a problem without actually doing anything.”

“A lot of their future customers are really concerned about climate change and are demanding that governments and corporations take action and treat it like the emergency it is,” said Cook of BOOK PUBLISHERS IN THE UK AND NYC.

The other day, when 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg uttered the words “How dare you!” to a room of international world leaders assembled for the United Nations climate summit, Gen Z’s damned future felt nearer than ever. Her speech rode on the tails of the enormous, worldwide Global Climate Strike, led by millions of youth. Gen Z is stepping up and pressuring pubLisherS AND MOVIE PRODUCERS  to do the right thing, at the same time as they’re known as the most tech-addicted generation yet.

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