Wednesday, September 4, 2019

'Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies' conference will take placeJanuary 24-25 at Cambridge UK BRITAIN

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Siddharth Soni 17h
What hopes to be a significant contribution to Indigenous and fiction studies, the 'Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies' will take place from 24-25 January at Cambridge UK BRITAIN. Abstracts from scholars, dissidents, artists invited until 10 Sep.
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
Some of the potential questions include: How have path-breaking Indigenous fictions extended a tradition of storytelling that has shaped contemporary modes, genres and critical paradigms of fiction?
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Siddharth Soni
What critical, formal and generic relationships do climate fictions, or cli-fi, bear with established literary traditions of dystopia, Anthropocene and science-fictions? In what ways do contemporary Indigenous writers resist or respond to western academic paradigms of knowledge?
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Replying to @_siddharthsoni
Siddharth Soni What is the relationship between critical Indigenous studies and decolonization? How does the Indigenous transnational imaginary consolidate Indigenous identities and relate not only to the national imaginary, but also to radical imaginaries that stem from race, gender or caste?
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
How do modes and materialities of Indigenous expression, like oral, written, performative, digital and multimedia, intersect and affect the social, political and cultural dimensions of protest and resistance? How do these dimensions treat ecologies of time and space?
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
How do conceptions of land and ‘country’ respond to the traditions of landscape in English and Euroamerican canons? How do genre-defying Indigenous literatures re-envision the meanings of land rights, repatriation, and sovereignty?
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
In what ways do emergent Indigenous fictions problematise and rethink ideas of sustainability and development? How do these literatures rewrite and project anti-capitalist forms, aesthetics, geographies, and economies?
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
How do Indigenous short forms, like short fictions, memoirs, life-narratives, songs, travelogues, and testimonies, often collected and anthologised as part of the colonial archive, resist and recreate the idea of ‘archive’ itself?
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Siddharth Soni 17h
Replying to @_siddharthsoni
How does the conscious use of Indigenous vocabularies, grammars and syntactical forms within these fictions 're-invent the enemy’s language' (Joy Harjo, Gloria Bird) to affect a dialectic between English and Indigenous languages? What political purpose do these dialectics serve?

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